Closing the Olympics

Well we have come to the end (Awwww). The city was bustling with visitors and the celebrations flourished. Every night you could hear the fireworks pretty much anywhere you went in Vancouver. People’s spirits were high and everyone seemed to have a good time. The skytrains were really busy and buses packed. Can’t get over the friendliness that people had to share. It was great. I will definitely miss the atmosphere that was generated in our city. Continue reading “Closing the Olympics”

Colour Swatches Web 2.0

I have been working on some colour schemes for awhile and came across these some time ago while surfing the net, so decided to post them here for others to use as well. Below are the links to download them as a Photoshop swatch file (aco) or an Adobe swatch exchange file (ase). The ase file can be loaded into any Adobe product using colour swatches.


download either file or both

The Treks

Setting out on our quest today was inspiring. Late breakfast and onto our goal. Tackling the Olympic fever. Lots of people and closed streets. Never thought I would see the day when streets that normally would be filled with traffic were instead filled with people. Wow. Everyone filled with excitement and on their own quests for the day. Got some cool pictures and talked to some proud Canadians and Visitors.
Continue reading “The Treks”

Opening Ceremonies

Watching the opening ceremonies was very emotional and very well done. I couldn’t believe all the people there, rich in culture and pumped with enthusiasm. Proud to be Canadian and excited Vancouverites. I was a bit concerned before the games, about how it was going to impact our city. Yes there are a lot of people, but that is the point. That will help our city. Speaking of which, way to go City of Vancouver nice job.
Watching key Canadians take part in the opening ceremonies, one word, C o o l. Gretzky carrying and lighting the cauldron, Priceless. Way to go Canada.
If you haven’t checked out the Vancouver 2010 app for the iphone & itouch, you’re missing out. Check it out, it’s awesome. Go here

Welcoming The World

One more day to go and the excitement is building. Our city is changing, all is good donkey !!!
Welcome to Vancouver, Welcome to Canada,
Let the Games begin…. check back for photos and events I have checked out.

Worldwide Photo Walk (Scott Kelby)

All around the world today people participated in a photo walk in their city. Getting people out and about to see their city in a different light. To find things they may not otherwise notice. I happened to be in Prince George BC for 2 weeks of holiday fun, with friends and family. So far have had a great time seeing all kinds of different sites and being able to take some great shots of the city and surrounding area. Went on this walk with my father in law and what a blast. There really are some great places to find when you least expect them. The day was fairly cool, the sun coming out and not too overpowering. About 25 people participated and ended at The White Spot for brunch. Great way to spend a morning. Check out the links for the pictures uploaded to the Worldwide Site and Flickr (of course).
Worldwide Photo Walk Site
Worldwide Group on Flickr
Worldwide Photo Walk Site for the Prince George Pictures
Worldwide Group for Prince George on Flickr

Finally got Back

Well it has been fun for me since Christmas and New Years came and went …. NOT ….. I suffered a major computer melt down. I got infected with Virtumondi and a few others. Kinda cramped the beginning of a new year. So I have been reformatting and reinstalling software till the cows come home what a PITA. The thing that got me the most is I am pretty cautious with what I download and where I go on the net, however not careful enough. So here I am back up and running and way more the wiser. I have some new software installed, which I will post here sometime this week. They may help others stop the same fate my computer suffered, before anything bad happens.

On to a good note, my wallpapers and icons section is almost finished, so will get these up and running this week. Check back soon for these and new updates.


Well another year gone, time for a new one. So here is to new times, new projects and new great stuff.

Happy New Year